About the Art Class
In addition to the school-wide discipline policy, a set of class guidelines for success and consequences has been established and will be maintained. The following is a list of the class guidelines for success and consequences for art:
What is expected of me in the art classroom?
1. Maintain proper noise levels. No noise while teacher is talking.
2. PROFANITY is not allowed.
3. Raise your hand to be recognized to speak.
4. No Food or Drinks (including Water) allowed.
5. No electronic devices unless permitted.
6. Follow directions the first time.
Attitude- Be positive and try your best!
Respect - Respect everyone and everything.
Think- Understand and demonstrate.
Imagine- Be creative and dream!
Spic & Span- Clean up after yourself and table.
Target- Follow directions to stay on target.
What are the consequences?
1. Warning – Student should stop their behavior.
2. Refocus – Student will reflect upon their conduct and complete a behavior assignment.
3. Detention – During the detention the student will write a 5 paragraph essay stating what they did wrong and how they can succeed in the classroom.
4. Referral - Administration decides the next course of action.
* Can be changed depending upon the offense.
What do I need for the class?
- Pencil
-9x 12 Sketchbook
-Colored Pencils
-Ultra Fine Point Sharpie
What will I be graded on?
1. Participation (Inspiration)
2. Sketchbook (Design)
3. Project (Creation)
4. Assessment (Reflection)
How will I be graded?
4 A - Above Expectations
3 B - Met Expectations
2 C - Approaching Expectations
1 D - Below Expectations
*Extra Credit* The student will receive 4 passes for the bathroom/water every nine weeks. Whatever passes the student do not use they will become extra credit.
How much time do I have on a project?
Project Time Frame
1st Week-Inspiration and Design
2nd Week - Create
3rd Week - Create
4th Week - Presentation
How do I turn in my sketchbook assignments and projects?
Students will use Artsonia to upload their art projects. Artsonia is the world's largest student art museum. It's a free, safe, educational program designed to connect parents and families with their child's creative activities at school.
If you don’t upload to Artsonia by the due date you will get partial credit on the assignment including projects which can’t be made-up.
Where to Find Info about Assignments and Projects?
The class website www.katundra.com
If you should have any questions or concerns, please email katundra.stewart@polk-fl.net
Parents: Don't forget to complete the PARENT CONSENT FORM under the About tab or click HERE
Students: Please complete the Student Behavior Agreement Form or click HERE.