Week 9
DAD- In Digital Art and Design the students completed the activity for the Adobe Photoshop 1st Tutorial. During the instructors’ absence, the students chose a sketchbook prompt to draw. On Thursday they graded each other’s art folder.
2D- This week the students saw a video that exemplified my expectations in the Honored Name Design. During the instructors’ absence, the students chose a sketchbook prompt to draw.
2D2- This week the students answered the project reflection questions and uploaded them to Artsonia. During the instructors’ absence, the students chose a sketchbook prompt to draw. On Thursday, they graded each other’s art folder.
2D3- This week the students answered the project reflection questions and uploaded them to Artsonia. During the instructors’ absence, the students chose a sketchbook prompt to draw. On Thursday, they graded each other’s art folder.